Monday, April 11, 2011
What does happiness mean to you?
I was recently reading an article about prayer, meditation and happiness. What struck me was that happiness means something different to everyone. There is no right or wrong in its meaning! I recently asked two friends what happiness means to them and they said, “Happiness is needing nothing more than to know at the end of the day you are loved, adored and respected by your loved ones.” My other friend said, “Being in a state of mind in which I feel confident, positive energy, and the ability to have achievement.” You can easily conclude that each of my friend’s perception of happiness is unique to them. I asked myself the same question and I had to think for a moment before I could compile it into words. I realized that it’s not so easy! But this is what I came up with, “Happiness is celebrating the joy in life and knowing that you are loved and cherished by many.” What does it mean to you? There is no right or wrong answer. If you feel so inclined, I would love for you to comment on what it means to you!

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AN interesting topic, I also asked myself before. Happiness is no matter how rich or how poor, still staying healthy, not only myself but also my families and friends.
ReplyDeleteCan't necessarily say that Happiness is a regular state of being for me, but I know when I'm happy. To me, happiness isn't a state of having something; in fact, it's the opposite.
ReplyDeleteMy happiness happens when I don't have a need to satisfy, a task to do, a place to visit. All those things take up room in my head - a lot of room. It's when I lack those things, when I actually have room in my head to feel happiness, that's when I can really call myself happy.
I'd go as far as saying that we're all happy by default, or at least we want to be. Think of it as a spring - no matter how much you compress it or keep it down, it'll always try to reset itself. It's a pressing need, being happy. Even in the deepest depressions, there's always a nagging thought of "I just want to be happy" trying to clear out the mind.
So if you think about it, all those focus-oriented tasks like meditation, prayer or even getting that good buzz going at a party clear our heads and make room for happiness to spring back.
tl;dr, Peace of Mind is my happiness.
How do you know if you're happy? Well to me happines has a lot more to do with the individual's perception and what's going on inside that person, than money, fame, or power even though those thing may bring a feeling that is like happiness. I have to go back to health, family. love. friends and my belief in GOD
ReplyDeleteHappiness..is being free from everything else and just let yourself go. There's no care in the world just with the people you're with and having fun, laughing and smiling about anything and nothing. For me, good company is key to being happy; I get bored easily when I'm alone. Although, getting distracted from you're problems like drinking or something is not necessarily happiness. I feel like you have to have the right vibes to bring happiness to yourself.
ReplyDeleteFor some people, it's hard to find happiness because of events that have happened in their lives that brings them down. It's easy to pretend to be happy because you can hide behind words and smiles. There is no easy way to describe feelings, in general, and there is no right or wrong answer because everyone is different. However, in some way everyone has the same basis of how a feeling is.
I believe happiness is a choice. If you wake up in the morning and tell yourself, "I will be happy today, and I will not let insignificant things take that away." I find happiness in the little things: a sunny day, an A on an exam, a kiss good morning, a kiss goodnight. If you chose to be happy, you will find yourself surrounded by more positive people, places, and situations.
ReplyDeleteSome choose not to be happy when they don't get what they want, or they are easily unsatisfied. Whilst their sorrow, there are a million other things to be happy about.
I recently came up with a phrase, "The little things: count them when they make you happy, ignore them when they don't."
I believe happiness is a choice.
"happiness is a decision. Decide to be happy!" --this was written on the wall of a bathroom stall :P It made realize that for me, unhappiness is most prevalent when I feel like I'm not in control, or like I don't have a choice. It's not that I'm a control freak ( o.k well I can be, but that's not the point) it's more that I sometimes get to feeling like I'm just going through the motions. Like I'm in hot pursuit of happiness, but haven't attained it yet. It's unusual that a scribble on the bathroom wall would have such a profound effect on me, but it really made me realize that I need to take greater stock in the present. That I need to consciously decide to enjoy the pursuit and the moment at hand. Happiness for me is also sort of a fluid concept. It can change with your priorities. I think it has to do with contentment. For me, right now, I guess happiness means choosing to enjoy the journey and the moment and taking advantage of the world around me. Engaging in spontaneity. Letting go of stress. Unwinding a bit. Trying new things, appreciating the people around me. Laughing. Risking. Smiling. Graduating!! :)
ReplyDeletegreat post, definitely already puts me in a happIER mood. Especially with finals week coming up, we can all use a little happy reading=)
ReplyDeleteHappiness comes from within. The most important thing in life is to be healthy, then happiness will come after. You can be happy for having family and friends. If you are rich, it doesn't necessarily you are happy. Most rich people are not happy with their life. Therefore, being happy is vital to once health and well being. Thanks for posting this blog. It is simply awesome!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your friend's response, I believe my version of happiness is a mixture of what both said. Both said important points that I thought was happiness to me. “Happiness is needing nothing more than to know at the end of the day you are loved, adored and respected by your loved ones.”“Being in a state of mind in which I feel confident, positive energy, and the ability to have achievement.” As long as I'm following my dream and having loved one around and people that care for me. That bit of happiness will make my day.